japanese drama

Japanese dramas are mostly aired on a seasonly basis, and are usually slated to last around 10 episodes or so, with a few exceptions, and often, each episode would last around 45 minutes. The length of Japanese dramas sparks debate amongst people; some who argue that the length is too short, and thus leave little space for character development, some who rejects that opinion, as they find the duration reasonable and that the story is well-relayed within that amount of time without unneccessary additions. The duration leaves the Japanese to express the dramas in their own creative way, finding the best ways to reach out to the audience despite the time limit. 'Japanese drama' can be shortened to jdrama, j-drama, or jdorama. The dramas tend to focus on a wide range of genres, from life to thriller to comedy to utterly random, prodding open minds of viewers with new concepts, choosing not to focus only on romance dramas, although they do have a few exceptional ones.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to japanese drama. Some of the top words include: Skillet, minute, two shakes of a lambs tail, bereft, Iron Chef, and 25 more.